We offer ABA therapy services to children and adolescents up to age 18 who are diagnosed with autism or other related developmental disabilities. Individualized intervention plans are focused on the overarching goal of eliminating problem behaviors and increasing functional behaviors. Services may be comprehensive, covering skills in many areas or focused on more specific skills in targeted areas.

Therapy sessions may take place at our center and/or in the client’s natural environment and may be more or less structured, depending on the client’s individual needs. Services may be 1:1 and/or conducted in a group format as in a social skills group. Examples of the variety of skills addressed include functional communication; following instructions; compliance with activities, such as taking medications, brushing teeth, and getting a haircut; tolerance to changes in the environment; safety skills, such as wearing a seatbelt in the car without negative behavior; using a public restroom; participation in family outings; daily living skills; leisure; and social interaction skills to name a few.

Common behaviors addressed include:

  • Noncompliance
  • Tantrums
  • Elopement/ running away
  • Screaming/ Yelling
  • Crying
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Physical and Verbal Aggression
  • Property Destruction
  • Stereotypic behaviors
  • Disruptive behaviors
  • Socially inappropriate behaviors

Higher levels of parental involvement are associated with faster and more lasting gains. Parent and caregiver involvement is a very important component of our services and is a required component of all treatment plans.

In addition, we offer training workshops for parents and professionals on a variety of topics in ABA and autism including:

  • Managing Difficult Behaviors in Public
  • Building Independence in Your Child (teaching daily living tasks)
  • Increasing Communication Skills
  • And More