Our early intervention program held at our center offers intensive 1:1 ABA services for children aged 18 months to 5 years old diagnosed with autism or other related developmental disabilities. Following an initial assessment, an individualized program will be developed for your child. Interventions are designed to capitalize on your child’s motivation and make the learning process fun! A variety of areas are targeted within the program including:

  • Communication – requesting needs and wants; replacing problem behaviors, such as tantrums, to get a desired item by appropriately requesting the item
  • Following individual and group instructions
  • Behavior management
  • Toileting and handwashing
  • Feeding – independent eating, addressing problems associated with eating
  • Play Skills – playing independently with a variety of toys and activities
  • Social skills – parallel play, turn-taking, and responding to and initiating play with peers
  • School Readiness – engaging in tasks independently, participating in group activities, transitioning between activities